Thursday, 21 March 2013

Toolkit Maya: Intro to Rigging and Constraints

1. Rigging Techniques 1: Leg Pistol

2. Rigging Techniques 2: Eyes

3.Rigging Techniques 3: Object Exchange

4. Rigging Techniques 4: Tail

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Toolkit Maya: Intro to Texturing

1. Surface Texturing Part1: Maya Fur Presets and Attributes

 2. Surface Texturing Part2: Fur Hat 

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Fantastic Voyage: Animatic

Animatic with (temporary) sounds.
I'm still not sure if I want to have it in a really cartoony way or not, although I find the background music suiting the style. I guess in the end I will have to think about recording my own SFXs as I wasn't able to find exactly what I wanted.

Friday, 15 March 2013

After Effects Tutorials: Basics

After Effects:

1. Puppet Jaw

2. Reflective Text

3. Motion Path - Text

4. Motion Path - Object

5. Lungs

6. Titles

And here, an interesting quote from the website: 

"I learned how to use AE by making promises to my clients I didn't know I could keep. It's easier to learn when you're getting paid" 
Bill O'Neil

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Fantastic Voyage: Rough Soundless Animatic

Rough and soundless animatic:

Unfortunately I have no idea about the background music. Any suggestions?

Friday, 8 March 2013

CGAA ACT: Speed Paint Challenge #05

Fantastic Voyage: Thumbnails

I forgot to upload these, although they can be find in the OGR post.
Thumbnails and developmental drawings:

1. 50% guassian blur, noise, fleckes

2. 50% guassian blur, noise

3. Clean

4. Colour correction: yellow and red
5. Prokaryotic cell entering the scene: 

6. Thumbnails: 
Eukaryotic cell:

Prokaryotic cell:

CGAA ATC: Speed Paint Challenge #04

Fantastic Voyage: Online Greenlight Review

*Page3 - 'Visual Concept', not 'Thumbnails'

Monday, 4 March 2013

CGAA ACT: Speed Paint Challenge #01

Fantastic Voyage: General Style Research

Research for the style of this project. A little bit of sweetness and cheesiness, mixed with slimy crawling cell in the centre of the whole action!

1. Doomed: a biological cartoon
This animation inspired me in the first place. 

2. Peak Condition 

3. FriendsWithYou Reel
This might be too much, though there are few really interesting designs which suit well with the vision I have in my head. 

3. Ragnarok - Porings
The sweetness of eukaryotic cells (?)

4. Various Influences

I guess it gives the general idea of what's in my head and what's my vision for this project.
Any othere suggestions and ideas, anyone? By the way, I found so many great short animations I cold spend the whole evening just watching them and having fun. The Internet is full of positive surprises sometimes! : D

Toolkit Maya: Intro to Texturing

1. Utilities and Shading Networks:
Sampler Info Node (Faked Rim Light)

2. Utilities and Shading Networks:
Sampler Info Nod (Transparency)

Fantastic Voyage: Research